// site config
const remoteAudio = document.getElementById("audio");
let session; // the active session needs to be stored somewhere to be accessible by the handlers.
// global config, same for all agents for this client
const teleforgePbxAddress = "<????>.forge-cloud.com";
// per agent config, each agent has their own credentials
const agentExtension = "9000";
const agentExtensionPass = "supersecret";
const agentDisplayName = "0120001234"; // either a CLID or a name, it's not used but does add some additional info.
// demo example, you will provide this yourself in some way.
const destination = "0820001234";
// Creates the user agent
const userAgent = new SIP.UA({
uri: agentExtension + "@" + teleforgePbxAddress,
authorizationUser: agentExtension,
password: agentExtensionPass,
displayName: agentDisplayName,
transportOptions: {
wsServers: ["wss://" + teleforgePbxAddress + ":8089/ws"]
//hackIpInContact: true, // may or may not be needed, try without first.
register: true,
sessionDescriptionHandlerFactoryOptions: {
constraints: {
audio: true,
video: false
userAgent.on("registrationFailed", function (response, cause) {
// Normally either bad user credentials or PBX issues, if the latter then mail support@teleforge.co.za
console.error("registrationFailed cause", cause);
console.error("registrationFailed response", response);
userAgent.on("registered", function (response, cause) {
// credentials are good
userAgent.on("unregistered", function (response, cause) {
// not normally a problem but could indicate one.
console.warn("unregistered cause", cause);
console.warn("unregistered response", response);
function onFailedCall(request) {
console.error("Call Failed");
//We send back special error messages for validation errors.
const validationErrors = request.getHeaders("X-Platforma-Error");
if (0 < validationErrors.length) {
validationErrors.forEach(function(error) {
console.error("Validation Error: ", error);
function onIncomingCall(session) {
const confirmation = confirm("Incoming call from " + session.remoteIdentity.displayName);
if (confirmation) {
} else {
function handleMedia(session) {
const pc = session.sessionDescriptionHandler.peerConnection;
const remoteStream = new MediaStream();
pc.getReceivers().forEach(function(receiver) {
remoteAudio.srcObject = remoteStream;
// Listen for the invite: inbound calls
userAgent.on("invite", onIncomingCall);
// Outbound API Call options
const outboundOptions = {
extraHeaders : [
"X-Platforma-Outbound-ID: 27101100729",
"X-Platforma-Contact-Ref: test_ref_123"
// UI
const makeButton = document.getElementById("makeCall");
const endButton = document.getElementById("endCall");
makeButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
session = userAgent.invite("sip:" + destination + "@" + teleforgePbxAddress, outboundOptions);
// Error while placing a call
session.on("failed", onFailedCall);
session.on("trackAdded", function() {
console.info("Call started");
console.debug("session:" + session);
endButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
session = null;
remoteAudio.srcObject = null;
console.info("Hangup Call...");
}, false); |