The Vicidial Lead Archive API is designed to facilitate facilitates the archiving of leads within the Vicidial system. This API allows users to manage leads efficiently, ensuring streamlined operations and improved lead data management practices.
Note |
Do not use this API during production hours. |
Base URL Endpoint
The API will operate outside of office hours only. |
The endpoint server address will be provided by TForgeService Delivery.
Use the following endpoint to initiate your request:
Method | URL Endpoint | Description |
POST | https://server/vicidial/leadleads/archive/ | Lead archive endpoint |
API key will be provided by TForgeService Delivery.
To access the Lead Archive API, you must authenticate using an API key.
Code Block |
Authorization: Key=YOUR_API_KEY Content-Type: application/json |
Info |
The API consistently executes operations in the following sequential order:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "insert_leads": true, "update_leads": true, "delete_leads": true, "lead_ids": [ 123450, 678901 ] } |
JSON Object KeyField | Datatype | Description |
insert_leads | true | false | This feature enables the insertion of leads specified lead IDs into the vicidial_list_archive table. Leads Lead IDs that are already present in the vicidial_list_archive table will not be inserted again. Use update_leads to ensure the specified lead IDs data is synchronized for leads lead IDs that were not inserted into vicidial_list_archive table. It is recommended to always set this feature to true. |
update_leads | true | false | This feature enables the updation of leadsspecified lead IDs. If a lead ID is already present in the vicidial_list_archive table, the API will update the lead ID data with the most recent matching lead ID information retrieved from the vicidial_list table. It is recommended to always set this feature to true for optimal lead ID data synchronization. |
delete_leads | true | false | This feature enables the deletion of leads specified lead IDs from the vicidial_list table in a safe manner. Before deleting, the API checks if the specified lead IDs exists in the vicidial_list_archive table and if the column data matches the vicidial_list table lead ID data. Setting this feature to false will result in leads lead IDs remaining in the vicidial_list table. |
lead_ids | Integer values | Specify the lead IDs that you wish to archive. Ensure that the number of lead ID values does not exceed 500. |
Limited to 500 leads per request. |
CURL request example actions the following:
For testing, create a dummy list and load 500 leads. Use created lead IDs.
Insert lead IDs into the vicidial_list_archive table. Ignores leads Ignore lead IDs that exist in the vicidial_list_archive table.
Update leads lead ID in the vicidial_list_archive table with lead ID data from the vicidial_list table.
Delete leads lead IDs from the vicidial_list table. Performs safe delete by checking if the lead exists IDs exist in the vicidial_list_archive table and if the column data matches the vicidial_list table lead ID.
Code Block | ||
| ||
curl -k -X POST https://server<server>/vicidial/leadleads/archive/ \ -H "Authorization: Key=YOUR_API_KEY" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "insert_leads": true, "update_leads": true, "delete_leads": true, "lead_ids": [ 123450, 678901 ] }' |
Info |
The API follows general HTTP response status codes. In addition to the status HTTP code included in the JSON response, you can also rely on the HTTP status code returned by the response. |
Tip |
HTTP status code - 200 |
Returns the following successful response If there are no errors with the request or the specified lead IDs. The data will be processed based on the option values specified in the request JSON object.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "successmessage": "lead_ids batch was successfully processed", "select_count": 1, "insert_count": 1, "update_count": 0, "delete_count": 1, "status_code": 200 } |
Warning |
HTTP status code - 401 |
Returns the following error response if the API cannot validate the API user.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"message": "unable to validate api user"
} |
Warning |
HTTP status code - 403 |
Returns the following error response if the API was executed during office hours.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"message": "api cannot be executed during office hours time condition"
} |
Warning |
HTTP status code -432400 |
Returns the following error response if the value passed for insert_leads is not a bool value or no value was provided.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "insert_leads must be a boolean value" "lead_errors": 0, "statuslead_codeids": 432[] } |
Returns the following error response if the value passed for update_leads is not a bool value or no value was provided.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "update_leads must be a boolean value" "lead_errors": 0, "statuslead_codeids": 433[] } |
Returns the following error response if the value passed for delete_leads is not a bool value or no value was provided.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "delete_leads must be a boolean value" "lead_errors": 0, "statuslead_codeids": 434[] } |
HTTP status code - 435
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "lead_ids must only contain integer values", "lead_idserrors": [1, "56712lead_ids": [ ], "status_code": 4350" ] } |
Warning |
HTTP status code - 436 |
Returns the following error response if no value was passed for lead_ids.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "lead_ids must contain atleast 1 value" "lead_errors": 0, "statuslead_codeids": 436[] } |
Warning |
HTTP status code - 437 |
Returns the following error response if the values passed for lead_ids exceed 500 values.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "lead_ids cannot exceed 500 values", "lead_errors": 0, "statuslead_codeids": 437[] } |
HTTP status code - 438
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "lead_ids cannot contain duplicate values", "lead_idserrors": [1, "lead_ids": [ 12345 ], 0 "status_code": 438 ] } |
Warning |
HTTP status code - 439 |
Returns the following error response if the values passed for lead_ids do not exist in the vicidial_list table.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "specifiedlead_ids leadsdoes do not exist", "lead_counterrors": 1, "valueslead_ids": [ 123450 ], "status_code": 439 } |
Warning |
HTTP status code -440500 |
Returns the following error response for any other errors not mentioned above.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "errormessage": "Unexpected character encountered while parsing number: s. Path 'lead_ids[97]', line 104, position 5.", "lead_errors": 0, "statuslead_codeids": 440 } |
} |