Create a new list
Method: POST
System Authorization: Authorization: Key=your-auth-key
User Authentication: tokenKey: {token}
{ "list_name": <string>, "description": <string>, "list_type": <string>, "caller_id_enabled": <boolean>, "caller_id": <string>, "max_callback_days": <integer>, "max_callback_date": <date>, "fetch_weight": <integer>, "alerts_enabled": <boolean>, "scripting_enabled": <boolean>, "script_provider": <string>, "script_id": <integer>, "script": <string>, "recall_plan_id": <integer>, "calling_time_plan_id": <integer>, "result_code_plan_id": <integer>, "ivr_plan_id": <integer>, "answer_machine_plan_id": <integer>, "do_not_call_plan_id": <integer>, "schedule_plan_id": <integer> }
Field | Type | Description |
| string | Name of the list. |
| string | Description of the list. |
| string | Type of list. |
| boolean | Displaying the caller_id. |
| string | The caller_id |
| integer | Set the max days callbacks can be set. |
| date | Set the max date callbacks can be set to. |
| integer | The weight of fetch. |
| boolean | Are alerts enabled. |
| boolean | Is scripting enabled. |
| string | The provider of the script. |
| integer | The ID of the script. |
| string | The script. |
| integer | Recall plan ID. |
| integer | Calling time plan ID. |
| integer | result code plan ID. |
| integer | IVR plan ID. |
| integer | Answer machine plan ID. |
| integer | Do not call plan ID. |
| integer | Schedule plan ID. |