V Oct 2023 of Email: Invoice Generic - Adcon

Adcon Monthly Invoice {ClientAccountCode} - {InvoiceDate}

Dear {ContactPersonName} {ContactPersonSurname},

Kindly find attached your invoice for {InvoiceDate} with account reference number: {ClientAccountCode}

Important Notification:

Please take note that we are aware of a minor appearance issue on the quantity of the voice minutes. This is a temporary error that is currently under investigation and will be rectified with the next generated invoice. We have also put measures in place to rectify the problem. It’s very important to note that this does not have any impact on the actual rand value, the current rand value in display for the voice is accurate. Our dedicated team will rectify the appearance issue on the minutes display promptly.

Please log a ticket on our Customer Portal for any queries on your account.

The Customer Portal will allow you to categorise your request, automatically giving it the required priority. This will enable the service team to prioritise business-affecting requests. We have also set turnaround times to these ticket categories, allowing us to automatically escalate your ticket to a manager should the turnaround time not be met.

Please use the below process to log a ticket on our Customer Portal

  • Log into our Portal via this URL: https://tforge.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals

  • Select the Adcon Tech Finance Portal to log your request.

  • Select the "Help required with my account" option.

  • Enter your request information in the “Summary” (subject) section.

  • Select the option “Share with” to share with your “Organisation or “No One”.

  • Select one of the finance-related categories closest to your request or query:

  • “Airtime Enquiry”, “Invoice Statement Request”, “Invoice Payment Enquiry”, “Payment Allocations”, "Hardware Returns”, and “Credit Note Requests”.

  • Simply add detailed information under “Additional Information” related to your request or query.

  • Click “Send” at the bottom to submit your ticket request or query.

  • You can keep track of your ticket status on the home page, click on “Requests” at the top right corner.

Alternatively, you can also call us on 010 300 1316 and one of our friendly customer service agents will gladly assist you.


Kind regards,

Adcon Finance Team