Agent Status

An update for an agent status change.







//Notification Example 
psubscribe enigma:notifications:agents:*
    type: "status",
    payload: {
        status       : <status>,
        campaign_ref : <campaign_ref>,
        ref          : <ext>
  • <status> new agent status
  • <campaign_ref> campaign reference (from v1.3.0)
  • <ext> agent extension number



The new agent status:

  • logging_in
  • available
  • busy
  • wrapup
  • logging_out
  • offline

Only available and offline can be manually set via the API

<ext>The agent extension number
<campaign_ref>(from v1.3.0) Your Campaign Reference where the agents state was changed


# get notifications for all agents
psubscribe enigma:notifications:agents:*

# get notifications for agent 1234
subscribe enigma:notifications:agents:1234

When will you receive an Agent Status Notification?

On every agent status change ONLY if the campaign is started. 

This is because an agent can be part of multiple campaigns and have different statuses in each. 

Campaign Start

Notifications will be sent out confirming agent status.

  • The logging_in notification is only sent when the dialer is busy confirming that the agent is actually available on campaign start

Campaign End

The dialer will change all the agents status to offline in that campaign once the campaign has ended.

  • when the dialer is busy shutting down, it sends a logging_out status for all the active agents, to signify that they will be logged out when the callees they are dealing with (and the callees left in the queue) are seen to.