TQM: 25-07-2024 - Customer Communication & Hahn

TQM: 25-07-2024 - Customer Communication & Hahn

CX TQM Issue


Date of Issue

Jul 24, 2024

Duration of Issue


Area of Failure:

People, Process, Technology


Recurring Major



@Adele Diedericks


  • @Sthembiso Ngongoma

  • @Saba Rahimi

  • @Ali Demmer

  • @Thabang Mashiane

  • @Adele Diedericks


  • Hahn Collections specifically

  • All Customers

History of Events

  1. The customer (Hahn) raised a few issues in the month of July which was escalated to C-level, regarding the following recurring matters that requires urgent attention:

  2. Monthly Billing: Hahn is not satisfied with the monthly billing process, requires to split the billing asap. Also take into consideration any changes expected and communicated this clearly to Hahn. We need to provide a progress update to Hahn 1 week from now. What changes will be made and expectations.

  3. We need to ensure that we have a process where the billing processes are clearly explained in detail at the beginning of each onboarding journey.

  4. What is the procedure for making any changes to users or billing that may impact monthly billing, is this clearly documented and communicated internally and externally?

  5. Hahn TVC package: Client feels their ASR’s dropping, to investigate the current package their on, spam ratios, clean numbers, etc. confirm CBIT reporting and who should receive reports and training.

  6. Major Events Communication: Hahn said no communication received for ME’s, confirm who receives the communication from Hahn via HubSpot, tickets? Confirm data integrity. What is our process regarding data integrity and how frequent should we update the data on HubSpot? Confirm Right Party Contacts per organization.

  7. The client also feels the communication is not detailed enough or transparent enough. They also feel they do not get updated regularly enough or when an RFO is received, some are not too detailed or explaining what was the actual cause of the issue and what reassurance is provided for future reference. The client also feels that our staff speak to them like they are”dumb” at times.


Set Meeting Date: 25 July 2024
Draft Actions:
1. Monthly Billing:
Need to split the billing for Hahn and,
Create a change procedure which we need to communicate to the customer/customers (PR Campaign). Feedback to be provided 1 week from now on progress report. @Sthembiso Ngongoma @Adele Diedericks for onboarding billing process. *Hahn: Changes to user counts* Last day of month (CallBi, different systems) verbally explain , email. *
Hahn TVC Package: review and investigate spam ratios, numbers, weekly report, communicate to client. @Sthembiso Ngongoma @Saba Rahimi
Major Events Communication: Create PR campaign process for post ME’s with all relevant stakeholders where we regroup in War Room to plan and confirm communication that needs to be standardize and provided to all customer-facing stakeholders to communicate effectively. This usually between post ME and awaiting RFO. @Adele Diedericks @Ali Demmer @Sthembiso Ngongoma
Review the effectiveness of an RFO, request data from a few customers to confirm the value proposition of it and message it provides, is it transparent enough? Customer view? @Adele Diedericks @Sthembiso Ngongoma also Turnaround times for RFO’s to review.@Saba Rahimi
Training Overview to Teams: Need to communicate communication improvement strategies with our front desk and Ops teams, including CSKAMS. Creating a sense of urgency around clients that are experiencing downtime and when required to log a ticket. How do we provide reassurance and how well do we communicate and provide assistance? @Sthembiso Ngongoma @Adele Diedericks @Thabang Mashiane
Data Integrity HubSpot: Confirm Hahn active contacts and right party contacts for ME’s. Also create and confirm data integrity project frequency of updating data and the actual process? @Thabang Mashiane @Adele Diedericks Need to ensure our data is updated frequently. Schedule session.

Meeting Attendees

  • @Sthembiso Ngongoma @Saba Rahimi @Ali Demmer @Thabang Mashiane



Root Cause

Resolution Summary


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