Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


hungupNormal Answered call followed by normal hangup Unspecified (All Click2Dial hangups)v2.3.0+v1.0.0+


Normal Answered call followed by normal hangup by the Callee

Normal Answered call followed by normal hangup by the Agentunavailablev1.1.2+
hangup_commandNormal Answered call followed by normal hangup by the Agent, (deprecated)-v1.0.0, removed in v1.1.2
voicemailAn answering Machine was detected (this is not 100% accurate)unavailablev1.4.0+
busyRejected by the Callee subsequent to being acceptedv2.3.0+v1.0.0+
rejectRejected by the Callee before being acceptedv2.3.0+v1.0.0+
timeoutTimeout in contacting the Calleev2.3.0+v1.0.0+
errorGeneric Error, most likely and incorrect parameter was providedv2.3.0+v1.0.0+
failedInternal Error, please notify usv2.3.0+v1.0.0+
