Create Call:
The notifications for the call being joined come back via Redis LIST as, you will use BRPOP or RPOP to retrieve these
RESTful API | #Restful with json body POST http://<server_url>/click2dial/calls # Payload { agent : <ext>, callee : <callee>, outbound_id: <outbound_id>, call_ref : <custom_call_ref> }
WebRTC | From v3.0.0 (unreleased) Via SIP.js for this example: // Creates the user agent var userAgent = new SIP.UA({ uri : '<ext>@<server_url>', wsServers : ['ws://<server_url>:8088/ws'], authorizationUser: '<ext>', password : '<ext_password>', hackIpInContact : true }); // Call options var options = { media: { constraints: { audio: true, video: false }, render: { remote: { audio: document.getElementById('example-audio-tag'), }, }, }, extraHeaders : [ #SIP headers for Click2Dial Settings 'X-Platforma-Outbound-ID:<outbound_id>', 'X-Platforma-Call-Ref:<custom_call_ref>' ] }; // Make the call var session = userAgent.invite('sip:<callee>@<server_url>', options);
<ext> | The agent extension number or the first number connected to the call
<callee> | The number to dial: One of the following:
<outbound_id> | Number to use as caller ID: One of the following:
<custom_call_ref> | Your custom call reference specified for this call Alphanumeric and .-_~: Max length 230 characters, thereafter they are truncated |